How Many Calories Does Cycling Burn In 30 Minutes?

December 19, 2022
Fitness exercise

Cycling is an excellent part of any workout regimen, but sometimes it can be hard to find out how many calories does cycling burn in 30 minutes. In this post, Liftyolife ( gives the information you need to start your cycling workout plan.

1. How Many Calories Does Cycling Burn In 30 Minutes?

How many calories does 30 minutes of cycling burn? How many calories does a 30 minute bike ride burn? Regarding Harvard University, biking at a moderate speed of between 12 and 13.9 miles per hour will lead a 155-pound person to burn 289 calories in 30 minutes. For a faster rate of 14 to 15.9 miles per hour, an individual of the same weight will burn 372 calories.

1.1. Calorie Burn From Stationary Bikes

If you enjoy cycling indoors, you can get in a good workout on a stationary bike. Most gyms even provide cycling and spinning classes that instruct you through working out. During a 30-minute exercise, the approximated number of calories burned in riding a stationary bike and in a cycling class at a moderate intensity is:

  • 311 calories burned for a 185-pound person.
  • 260 calories burned for a 155-pound person.
  • 210 calories burned for a 125-pound person.

You can burn many calories if you increase your effort and cycle at a vigorous intensity. The approximated calorie burn during a 30-minute intense workout is:

  • 466 calories burned for a 185-pound person.
  • 391 calories burned for a 155-pound person.
  • 315 calories burned for a 125-pound person.

When you bike outside, vigorous exercise relies on your speed and the terrain of the trail or road. For indoors, you can control the intensity by regulating the settings of the stationary bike, as the American Council on Exercise claims. You can adjust the pedaling speed and alter the pedals’ resistance. You can even imitate riding a hill by rising out of the saddle and increasing the intensity.

1.2. Calories Burned Biking

The figure for calories burned while biking relies on your body weight, the intensity, and the speed of your cycling. Harvard Health Publishing evaluates that in 30 minutes, a 125-pound individual will burn:

  • 495 calories from cycling at 20 miles per hour or more.
  • 360 calories from cycling between 16 and 19 miles per hour.
  • 300 calories from cycling between 14 and 15.9 miles per hour.
  • 240 calories from cycling between 12 and 13.9 miles per hour.

As you can see, heavier people will burn a lot of calories during the same 30-minute workout. For instance, the approximated calorie burn for a 185-pound individual is:

  • 733 calories from cycling at 20 miles per hour or more.
  • 533 calories from cycling between 16 and 19 miles per hour.
  • 444 calories from cycling between 14 and 15.9 miles per hour.
  • 355 calories from cycling between 12 and 13.9 miles per hour.

If you enjoy mountain biking or BMX, you will burn about 255 to 377 calories in a 30-minute ride, depending on your weight.

Calories Burned Biking

Calories Burned Biking

2. Health Benefits of Exercise

After answering the question “How many calories does biking burn in 30 minutes?” you need to know the health benefits of exercise. Biking is an excellent option to assist you in maintaining your weight and hitting your fitness and weight loss goals. The Physical Activity Guidelines for residents in America suggest a minimum of between 150 and 300 minutes each week of moderate-intensity workout or from 75 to 150 minutes each week of intensive exercise.

You can evaluate your vigor level by rating your effort on a scale from 0 to 10, where zero is when you are taking a rest, and 10 is the highest effort. You are at moderate vigor when you reach five or six on the scale, and you are working out at an intensive vigor when you are at seven or eight on the scale.

To meet this goal, you can go biking for 30 to 60 minutes daily at a moderate vigor for five days weekly. Accomplish your fitness routine by doing strength training workouts targeting each of the main muscle groups in the body for at least two days every week.

Moreover, to burn more calories, reaching these guidelines has additional health benefits, including improving quality sleep and cognition. It might decrease your risk of specific diseases, like stroke, coronary heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and some types of cancer. Enhancing the physical activity recommendations has been indicated to have additional health benefits and reduce cancer risk.

3. The role of nutrition in losing weight with cycling

If you are not cycling at a very high vigor, only cycling won’t assist you in losing weight if that is your goal. Thus, you need to adjust your diet and eat fewer calories than the figure you burn.

Absorbing fewer calories on your weight loss journey doesn’t mean you starve yourself to death; you need to contain healthy food in your meal, such as healthy fat and good protein. If you are not vegan, you can consider eating lean meat and consuming more fresh fruits and green vegetables. For carbohydrates in your meal, you should choose complex carbohydrates as a healthy option. Moreover, you need to drink more water and avoid sugary beverages.

How many calories does cycling burn in 30 minutes? Biking at a moderate speed from 12 to 13.9 miles per hour will help a 155-pound individual burn 289 calories in 30 minutes, regarding Harvard University. If you desire to burn more calories in 30 minutes, you can increase exercise intensity and have healthy food such as lean meat, green vegetables, clean fruits, etc. Hoping this post from Liftyolife ( helps you be motivated to go on cycling and have your ideal body as you wish.

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