20 Minute Workouts Build Your Stamina & Strength

December 26, 2022
Fitness exercise

In this increasingly hectic life, 20 minute workouts are ideal for busy people who are pressed for time. Exercise not only builds muscle and makes you stronger, but it also helps you relieve stress and heal your soul by releasing dopamine. In this manner, Liftyolife (liftyolife.com) will provide you with a step-by-step guide to performing the appropriate workout in the next 20 minutes. Keep an eye on this piece.

1. Benefits of short workouts

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a term used to describe short workouts. These are the best exercise regimens for your health, particularly your cardiovascular health. Furthermore, they are more effective than steady-state aerobic exercise (like jogging). Here are some of the greatest advantages of short workouts, which we hope will provide you with some initial motivation.

  • No special equipment is required: Many of the exercises in quick, high-intensity workouts like HIIT include running, jump roping, rowing, biking, and other activities. While they all work well, you don’t need any equipment to get results. Some equipment, such as dumbbells, can reduce the effectiveness of HIIT by diverting attention away from the goal of pushing your heart to its maximum potential.
  • Increases metabolism, muscle growth, and other benefits: HIIT workouts have been shown to increase the production of human growth hormones (HGH) by up to 450% in the 24 hours following the workout.
  • Make an effort to burn more calories: 15 minutes of HIIT burns more calories than an hour of treadmill jogging.
  • Save your time: Everyone only needs at least 10 to 15 minutes for one workout per day with shorter interval workouts. In fact, you can complete an effective HIIT workout in just 4 minutes, and anyone should be able to spare that amount of time.
  • It’s easier to commit to: People reported that HIIT was much more enjoyable than continuous vigorous and moderate-intensity exercise. Furthermore, if you commit to a short, intense workout, you’ll save time, have more fun, and be more likely to stick with it for many days to come.
  • Encourage better fitness: Shorter, higher-intensity workouts can produce more fitness than longer, less-intense workouts.

2. How to get the most from short workouts?

The key to achieving good results from HIIT workouts is high intensity, so keep in mind that you must do your best in a short amount of time. Here are some helpful hints for making the most of your short workouts.

  • Listen to music: Those who listened to music (particularly slow music) after their workout recovered faster than those who did not. Music increases the body’s levels of serotonin and dopamine, two hormones known to aid in recovery.
  • Intake carbs before your workout: Carbohydrates are your body’s primary fuel for any high-intensity workout. When your body is fueled, it will put forth a better effort and get a better value, both in caloric expenditure and muscle growth.
  • Perform intervals: This is essential for increasing the effectiveness of HIIT. Minute-by-minute, high-intensity intervals—periods of all-out effort interspersed with short, low-intensity “breaks”—provide the most cardiovascular and fat-loss benefits of any workout.
  • Drink water: Some gym-goers sweat out 6–10% can make your workout feel harder, reduce your exercise performance, and reduce your body’s ability to recover. Drink enough water throughout your workout to replace any fluids you lose, and weigh yourself before and after a sweat session.
  • Weightlifting: People who exercised weight training for 20 minutes per day gained less abdominal fat.

3. 13 workouts you can do in 20 minutes or less

3.1. Combination of exercises in 20 minutes

3.1.1. Full body cardio

About the exercise: This exercise will take you exactly 20 minutes. This is a combination of four workouts designed to work out all of the body’s muscle groups. High knees, Russian twists, tuck jumps, and mountain climbers are the four exercises you need to complete. Perform as many rounds of these workouts as you can in 20 minutes, using your own rest intervals between sets and rounds.

  • Instructions:
    • High knees:
      1. Place your feet hip-width apart. Raise your left knee to the level of your sternum. Keep the foot flexed and bring the left elbow forward while the right elbow returns.
      2. Return to standing with your arms by your sides, then raise your right knee to your chest. Alternate legs and sprint or run at a fast pace to continue the movement.
    • Russian twists:
      1. Sit on the ground and put your legs out straight. Lean back slightly, forming a V-shape with your torso and legs, bracing your abdominal wall to engage your core.
      2. While balancing in this position, twist your torso from side to side without moving your legs.
    • Tuck jumps:
      1. Start by putting your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
      2. Drop down into a quarter squat before exploding into the air.
      3. Maintain a straight back throughout and tuck your knees as close to your chest before landing as softly as possible. Avoid landing with locked knees and keep your spine upright and neutral as you land.
    • Mountain climbers:
      1. Get into a plank posture, distributing your weight evenly between your hands and toes.
      2. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart, your back flat, your abs engaged, and your head aligned.
      3. Pull your right knee as far into your chest as you can.
      4. Switch legs, bringing one knee out and the other knee in.
      5. Maintain a low hip position and run your knees in and out as far and as quickly as you can with each leg change, alternate inhaling, and exhaling.

3.1.2. Lower body

About the exercise: This is yet another set of exercises. Wall sits, single-leg deadlift, glute bridges, and lunges are the four matched exercises. For 16 minutes, complete each movement on the minute (4 rounds).

  • Instructions:
    • Wall sits:
      1. Begin with your back to a wall and your feet shoulder-width and about 2 feet away from the wall.
      2. Engage your abs at the same time slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
      3. Keep your knees directly above your ankles and maintain a flat back against the wall.
      4. Maintain this pose for 20 to 60 seconds.
      5. Return to a standing position by slowly sliding back up the wall.
    • Alternating single-leg deadlift:
      1. Place both feet under your hips. Transfer your weight to your right leg, which should be straight with a soft bend in the knee.
      2. Drive your left foot back, keeping your leg straight, as if you’re stamping the bottom of your foot on the wall behind you. Simultaneously, begin hinging at the waist and tipping your torso forward until it is almost parallel to the floor.
      3. Always keep your arms straight, shoulder-height, and perpendicular to the floor. Your body should be in a straight line from the top of your head to the bottom of your left foot at the bottom of the position.
      4. Then, while keeping your left leg straight, begin pulling your left leg forward and lifting your torso until you’re standing again. That counts as one rep. Rep all reps on one leg, then switch.
    • Glute bridges:
      1. Lie faceup on the floor, bend your knees, feet flat on the ground. Keep your arms at your sides, palms down.
      2. Raise your hips off so that your shoulder, hips, and knees form a straight line. Keep your abs drawn and squeeze your glutes hard during the exercise to avoid overextending your back.
      3. Keep your bridged pose for several seconds before lowering yourself.
    • Alternating lunges:
      1. Bend your knees and pull your low body down until your back knee is a few inches off the ground. The front thigh is parallel to the floor at the bottom of the movement, the back knee is pointing toward the floor, and your weight is evenly distributed between both legs.
      2. Return to the starting position, keeping your weight on the front foot’s heel.

3.1.3. Upper body and core

About the exercise: Let’s complete three rounds of the following sequence in 12 minutes. For the first 4 minutes, do as many rounds of 10 push-ups and 10 plank shoulder taps as you can. Make the same effort for the next 4 minutes with 5 burpees, 5 v-ups (or sit-ups), and 5 supermans. Then, complete 10 downward dog push-ups and a 30-second plank in the final 4 minutes.

  • Instructions:
    • Push-ups:
      1. Start in a plank posture with your shoulders over your wrists and your feet hip-distance apart.
      2. Hold a straight line from head to heels as you lower your body down and hold about 6 inches above the mat.
      3. Drop to your knees and press back up to a plank position.
      4. Perform as many reps as you can in 45 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.
    • Plank shoulder taps:
      1. Begin in a plank posture, with wrists under shoulders and feet hip-width apart.
      2. Return to the plank position by touching your left shoulder with your right hand.
      3. Put the left hand on the right shoulder and continue alternating sides until the set is complete.
    • Burpees:
      1. Begin squatting with your knees bent, back straight, and feet shoulder-width apart.
      2. Pull your hands to the floor in front of you, just inside your feet.
      3. Kick your feet back; this helps you’re on your hands and toes and in a pushup position, with your weight on your hands.
      4. Do one pushup while keeping your body straight from head to heels.
      5. Jump your feet back to the starting position to perform a frog kick.
      6. Stand up and extend your arms above your head.
      7. Jump into the air quickly so that you land back where you started.
      8. Get into a squat position right away when you land with your knees bent.
      9. Repeat as many as you can.
    • V-ups:
      1. Lying face-up on the floor with your arms and legs extended.
      2. Keep your abs tight and lift your hands and feet to meet over your torso.
      3. Back your arms and legs to the floor.
      4. Repeat for 45 seconds.
    • Supermans:
      1. Lying over your stomach with your arms overhead and legs fully extended, keeping your head relaxed and your spine neutral by looking at the floor in front of you.
      2. Contract your core muscles to stabilize your spine while raising your legs and arms simultaneously a few inches off the ground and keeping your head and neck neutral.
      3. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds at the top. Back to the start posture and repeat the pattern for 45 seconds.
      4. Take a 10-second break before proceeding to the next move.
    • Downward dog push-ups:
      1. Start with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart and your hips raised in an inverted V shape.
      2. Bring your hips down to a push-up position. Perform a push-up when your hips are parallel to the floor. When you finish the push-up, return your hips to the starting position, forming an inverted V with your body.
    • Plank:
      1. Choose a proper position that allows you to extend your entire body length.
      2. Using an exercise mat will provide you with sufficient padding to be comfortable on all fours. You can perform a plank on either your palms or your forearms.
      3. Begin in a plank position, face down, forearms and toes on the floor. Reduce your body weight until you’re resting on your forearms, elbows below your shoulders, and hands pointing forward. You should look at the floor with your head freely.
      4. Engage your abdominal muscles to draw your navel toward your spine. Maintain a rigid torso and a straight line from your ears to your toes, with no sagging or bending.
      5. Hold this pose for a total of 30 seconds. If you start to get weak, slowly lower your knees to the ground.
      6. Rest for a few seconds here before returning to the plank position. Work your way up to 45 or 60 seconds over time.

3.2. Breakdown exercises

3.2.1. Bodyweight squat

  • Instructions:
    1. Stand with a straight back, your hands on the back of your head (or along the side of your body), and your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly turned out to open the hip joint. Sit with the head in line with the tailbone and the hips back.
    2. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and keep your hands behind your head at the same time (or raise your hands straight forward).
    3. Take a breather, then return to your starting position.
    4. Perform as many reps as possible in 45 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest.

3.2.2. High knees

  • Instructions:
    1. Place your feet hip-width apart. Raise your left knee to the level of your sternum. Keep the foot flexed and bring the left elbow forward while the right elbow returns.
    2. Return to standing with your arms by your sides, then raise your right knee to your chest. Alternate legs and sprint or run at a fast pace to continue the movement.

3.2.3. Plank hold

  • Instructions:
    1. Face down with your forearms and put your toes on the ground. Your elbows are directly beneath your shoulders, and your forearms are pointed forward. You should be looking at the floor with your head relaxed.
    2. Lift the body, keeping the head in line with the heels, the shoulders over the elbows, and the feet hip-distance apart. Keep your feet together or move them apart to make a move easier. Maintain a tight core and a tucked-in tailbone.
    3. Hold for 30 seconds.

3.2.4. Push up hold

  • Instructions:
    1. Start in a plank posture with your shoulders over your wrists and your feet hip-distance apart.
    2. Hold a straight line from head to heels as you lower your body down and hold about 6 inches above the mat.
    3. Drop to your knees and press back up to a plank position.
    4. Perform as many reps as you can in 45 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds.

3.2.5. Quick feet

  • Instructions:
    1. Begin in an athletic posture, with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands out in front of you, knees bent, and hips low.
    2. Maintaining a tight core, alternately move your right and left feet a few inches off the ground at a rapid pace.
    3. Repeat for 45 seconds more until the set is finished. Rest for 10 seconds before proceeding to the next round.

3.2.6. Reverse lunge to single-leg deadlift

  • Instructions:
    1. Begin by standing on your left foot. Step back by your right foot, dropping your right knee and pulling your low body down until your knee is several inches off but don’t touch the ground.
    2. Return to an upright position, press through the left heel, and reach the right leg and right arm out in both directions while hinging at the hips until the torso is parallel with the floor, forming one long line with the body.
    3. Return to the beginning. Complete many reps on each side in 45 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.

3.2.7. Reverse table top pull through

  • Instructions:
    1. Start by sitting with your feet planted, knees bent, and hands just behind your hips.
    2. Raise your hips until your torso is parallel to the ground, like a tabletop. Maintain an open chest and a flat body.
    3. Lower your hips down and through your hands, careful not to let your bottom touch the ground. Hold for 4-5 breaths before returning to the reverse tabletop position.
    4. Complete as many reps as you can for 30 seconds before moving on to the next move.

3.2.8. Triceps dips

  • Instructions:
    1. Sit on the chair’s edge, gripping the edge closed your hips. Put your fingers pointed at your feet, your legs should be extended, your feet are about hip-width apart, and the heels touch the ground. Maintain a straight face and a high chin.
    2. Put weight on your arms, press into your palms to lift your body, and slide forward just far enough to clear the chair’s edge.
    3. Lower your body weight until your elbows are bent between 45 and 90 degrees. Keep control of the movement throughout its range of motion.
    4. Repeat by slowly pushing yourself back up until your arms are almost straight.
    5. Perform as many reps as in 45 seconds. Take a 10-second break.

3.2.9. Triple triple

  • Instructions:
    1. Begin on your back; knees bent, feet on the floor about 6 inches from your buttocks, and hands behind your head.
    2. Lift your chest three times toward the ceiling, keeping your lower back pressed into the mat. Bring your shoulders to rest on the mat.
    3. Lift heels straight up toward the ceiling three times, bringing hips off mat 2 to 3 inches each time, keeping feet flexed.
    4. Complete many reps in 30 seconds before moving on to the next move.

Numerous options for exciting 20 minute workouts are provided above to help you develop an innovative and adaptable strategy for an interesting journey to fitness. Liftyolife (liftyolife.com) hopes you will maintain your strong motivation to perform these exercises at least three times per week. A dream body, a dream shape, and a new you are waiting for you. Keep doing so, and tell us how amazing you can become.

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