Is A BMI Of 27 Good?

December 23, 2022
Diet & Weight management

Hello, I have a question for you now. I’m 1.7 meters tall and weigh 80 kilograms, which on the BMI scale means that my BMI is 27.6. Is that healthy? Is a BMI of 27 good? If you have the same question and concern as that guy, read this post from Liftyolife ( to find out the correct answer.

1. What is a BMI of 27?

A BMI of 27 indicates that your body mass index is 27. But what does BMI mean? BMI, which stands for body mass index, is a formula that takes into account both your height and weight to determine whether or not you are at a healthy weight.

When calculating BMI, the weight of an adult is divided by their height squared. This index aims to determine whether or not your weight is in line with your height.

2. Is a BMI of 27 good?

Is a BMI of 27 good? No, it is not good. A BMI of 27 is considered overweight but not obese according guideline from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, this may not be entirely accurate. For example, the BMI calculation does not distinguish between the weight of lean muscle mass and body fat.

That is why before calculating your BMI, make sure you’re not:

  • an elderly.
  • a pregnant.
  • a child.
  • someone who has a high muscle mass, like weight trainers, heavyweight boxers, and athletes.

Plus, BMI is different between ethnicity and regions. So, the range below is one of the reference sources. If you are not one of them, here is a list of BMI ranges you can check:

  • Underweight: 18.49 or less.
  • Healthy: between 18.5 and 24.99.
  • Overweight: between 25.00 and 29.99.
  • Obese: 30.00 or greater.

What does the BMI range say? The BMI of 27 from the guy at the beginning falls into the overweight category. Being overweight or obese can lead to many health problems, including Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. As a result, it is not a good sign for his overall health.

Is a BMI of 27 good? The answer is a resounding no. Having a healthy BMI is a big step towards living a happier life. So, stand up, remake your diet, and do some daily workouts to boost your chance of improving your BMI. If you have any struggles, let Liftyolife ( know. We are ready to help.

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