How To Lose 50 Pounds In 3 Months?

December 28, 2022
Diet & Weight management

How to lose 50 pounds in 3 months? Liftyolife understands that losing such pounds is not an easy task. Everything, however, is possible if you maintain a strong enough motivation. Let’s look at the 16 weight-loss tips we recommend for you in this article.

1. Is losing 50 pounds in 3 months healthy?

You must burn the number of calories to lose 50 pounds in three months is 175000. To achieve your goal in weekly installments, you need to cut or burn 1,750 calories per day. That would necessitate a very low-calorie diet and intense exercise, both short- and long-term health risks such as muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies, and gallstones.

Furthermore, you are more likely to regain the weight. While losing weight at this rate is still difficult, it is doable, and people who follow this strategy from Liftyolife are more likely to keep the weight off.

2. How to lose 50 pounds in 3 months?

To lose 50 pounds in three months, you need to lose at least 16,67 pounds per month.

2.1. Always eat breakfast

Breakfast can be the most critical meal, mainly if it includes cereal. According to research, people who eat cereal for breakfast regularly tend to have healthier weights and lower body mass indexes (BMIs) than those who don’t eat cereal or skip breakfast.

Furthermore, eating a high-protein breakfast increases metabolism more than eating in the evening. It also allows you to get fewer calories while feeling fuller. If you’re looking for high-protein foods, try the following: oats, eggs, cottage cheese, tofu, and peanut butter.

2.2. Building muscles

How I lost 50 pounds in 3 months?” If you are concerned about this question, we suggest the next tip – building muscles. Muscles burn about 5.5 times the amount of calories than fat does. Muscle mass transforms your body into a fat-burning machine! As a result, your metabolism increases, which means your body requires more calories to complete daily functions. As a result, muscle mass increases while fat mass decreases.

Strength-training exercises, like cardiovascular exercises, are well-known for increasing muscle mass and strength. Strength-training workouts are not known for burning calories, but they are an essential piece of the weight-loss puzzle and should be included in any routine.

Building muscles

Building muscles

2.3. Cutting calories

You can drop your weight by eating fewer calories and burning more calories through physical activity.

Intake of fewer calories than your body requires creates a calorie deficit, forcing the body to use stored fat for energy, thereby losing weight. Try to eat fewer calories and drink water before each meal to consume fewer calories.

It is best to eat more fiber and protein to feel fuller for a longer time. Reduce your carbohydrate intake because carbs are high in calories but low in nutrients.

To maintain the best diet, you can eat carbs ranging from 25 to 50 grams per day. Use smaller plates, eat your meals slowly, don’t drink your calories, drink water before every meal, try to cook your food at home, and eat vegetables and whole fruits.

2.4. Do more exercise

Exercise is the most effective method to expend energy and burn excess energy, allowing you to lose weight faster. Create one exercise routine and stick to it to reap the most benefits.

  • Increase your physical activity. Aim for 5 to 7 hours of exercise per week to achieve a weekly weight loss of 4 pounds. Each hour-long session should burn between 400 and 600 calories.
  • Do a cardio workout that increases your heart rate and blood circulation throughout your body. Cardio exercises include running, cycling, an elliptical machine, and swimming.
  • Workout with weights. While cardio is great for burning many calories, it does have some drawbacks. Include moderate weight training three times per week to maintain muscle mass despite the intense cardio you will be doing.
  • Make small but active changes to your daily routine. Take the stairs, walk your dog, and play with your kids; small changes can add up in the long term and help you lose 50 pounds in three months.

Exercising more can also boost metabolism and help you keep your lean body mass. Increase your resistance training because these exercises increase your strength and muscle mass.

2.5. Drinking a lot of water

Drinking water is the most important step to boosting your weight loss journey. How to lose 50 pounds in 3 months is not a challenging task for you when you reach this step.

Water improves your metabolism, which aids in weight loss by allowing you to burn more calories. Drinking 500 mL of cold or room temperature water increased energy expenditure of 2 to 3% more calories than average in the 90 minutes following the water.

Water also reduces food consumption. If you drink a glass of water before a meal, you are more likely to eat less than if you did not drink water. This lowers your daily calorie intake, which aids in your weight loss journey.

2.6. Eat the best weight loss foods

Many foods are delicious, nutritious, and beneficial to your efforts to lose or maintain a healthy weight. Fish, lean meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and legumes are examples of whole foods.

Some minimally processed foods include probiotic yogurt and oatmeal. Choosing the best weight loss food and the right food can make it easier to lose weight by controlling hunger, increasing energy levels, and other benefits.

Consuming fewer calories and filling your plate with high-protein foods will help you keep your total intake under control while also improving the quality of your meals.

2.7. Finding the right diet

How to lose 50 pounds in 3 months without exercise? Vegetables and fruits, lean protein sources, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, nuts and seeds are the main keys.

Rethink your eating habits. Replace three large meals with small meals throughout the day. Eating small meals will keep your metabolism active and help you avoid hunger. Avoid calorie-dense processed foods. Aim for high-volume, low-calorie foods such as raw vegetables and whole grains.

Keep your food journal where you can write down everything you eat throughout the day and total the calories. This will assist you in being aware of what you’ve consumed and making timely adjustments when you overeat.

Finding the right diet

Finding the right diet

2.8. Get enough sleep

How to lose 50 pounds in 3 months? High-quality sleep can help you make this journey more smooth. Adequate, quality sleep is an essential component of a healthy weight loss plan.

Sleep deprivation increased cravings for energy-dense, high-carbohydrate foods, prompting people to eat larger portions of all foods, resulting in weight gain.

2.9. Get plenty of protein

By replacing fat and carbohydrates with protein, you reduce hunger and increase several satiety hormones. This is the primary reason that protein can help you lose weight.

It can force you to eat fewer calories. Keep in mind that a kilogram equals approximately 2.2 pounds. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should aim to consume about 59 grams of protein per day while losing weight. Protein-rich foods include chicken breast, salmon, canned tuna, tofu and tempeh, ground turkey, beans and lentils.

2.10. Increasing your fiber intake

Aiming for about 30 grams of fiber per day can help you lose weight, lower your blood pressure, and improve insulin response as effectively as a more complex diet.

Furthermore, fiber promotes satiety by making you feel full faster and for longer, which reduces your calorie intake. Foods with high fiber content, like vegetables, legumes, fruits, and whole grains, should be included in your diet.

2.11. Not skipping meals

There are a few methods to lose weight by skipping a meal or two per day, but don’t force yourself if you’re not used to it. Skipping meals can increase your hunger, and when you do eat, you may overeat more than your demand. Redundant calorie intake can cause weight gain.

2.12. Reduce your stress levels

Stress also has an impact on your weight gain and loss. When under a lot of pressure, you may overeat or emotionally eat unhealthy foods that cause weight gain. So, to achieve your weight loss goals and live a healthy lifestyle, try to reduce your stress levels.

Furthermore, stress raises cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol levels that are too high can also cause people to gain weight around their stomachs. Learning to reduce stress through exercise and meditation and being more mindful about food can have a significant impact on your health and help you maintain your weight loss in the long run.

2.13. Reducing your alcohol intake

Every alcoholic beverage contains energy in the form of empty calories. Most people drink alcohol, and the energy they consume is “excess” or “extra” calories.

When the body obtains more energy than it requires, the excess energy is stored as fat. Aside from that, alcohol increases your appetite. An increase in appetite causes you to consume more calories, which leads to weight gain.

Reducing your alcohol intake

Reducing your alcohol intake

2.14. Try intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a time-restricted diet in which fasters leave a long gap between their last meal of one day and their first meal of the next, compressing their meals into a shorter period during the day.

If you practice intermittent fasting religiously, your chances of losing weight will increase. All you have to do is fast for a certain number of hours per day. Generally, avoid eating for 16 hours and eat within an eight-hour window.

2.15. Try to burn more calories

If you don’t have enough time to go to the gym a few times a week, the best option to burn more calories is moving and being active.

Walking around the office, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and so on. The more physical movements you engage in, the more calories you burn each day. Exercise is also the best way to burn more body fat, boost your metabolism, and build lean muscle.

2.16. Weigh yourself every day

Be careful with this tip because it can be a double-edged sword for your motivation. It can be motivating to continue on this challenging journey if you notice a change in weight after losing weight.

However, there will undoubtedly be days when you do not lose a single pound; do not be disheartened or disappointed in yourself. Because losing weight is a long process, if you notice that your body is stronger and better than when you started, you’re on the right track. Don’t give up.

Furthermore, weighing yourself every morning can help you become more aware of your weight. It also keeps you from putting on weight.

Liftyolife will be by your side throughout this challenging weight loss journey. Losing weight has never been simple or happened overnight. Helpful tips from us on how to lose 50 pounds in 3 months above can be your valuable assets. Please share your happiness with us if you get the results you want.

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